[LINK] Ubuntu

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Fri Mar 13 11:24:28 AEDT 2009

>>> Linux (and in turn Ubuntu) handle old style external modems just
>>> fine. It's just another serial interface and everything "just works".

Ah well then, apologies for incorrect info .. however, my Ubuntu distro
would NOT recognize my external modem (or the win-modem for that matter)
no matter what. The modem was/is plugged in, turned on and even stroked
gently, but nothing. Will follow-up when i have the time. Otoh it works
just fine running through a win box which has a dialup connection, thus
i might not bother. But thanks for the info guys. I'm sure you're right.

On another matter, as one who cannot get ADSL, or cable (even 3G mobile
signal unless i'm standing on my front lawn, where-as CDMA worked fine,
grrr!) i'm pissed at Telstra's cable offering. So it's another new-tech
that country folk have no chance of getting, and that probably means we
coutry folk will have to wait *longer* for anything but normal dial-up.
Where i am we did have satellite, but the company went broke. But, hey,
what do Telstra care about country folk? Might stand on the front lawn
while i'm on dialup & phone them to complain. Nah, just wait for years.


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