[LINK] Fwd: MR 28/09: Nearly all small to medium enterprises now use the internet to communicate with customers and suppliers [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
sylvano at gnomon.com.au
Fri Mar 13 13:53:08 AEDT 2009
The report table source is stated to be the Sensis Business Index, May
2008. But that ain't it. Rather, after a little hunting, I found the
series of reports, Sensis e-Business reports, with the latest release for
July 2008 containing the sourced information:
Earlier releases listed at:
It also notes that 1% expect to use email.
Plenty of other tables of interest are in the reports, such as:
46% of business respondents had e-commerce concerns of people being able
to hack into your computer system.
54% of businesses take orders over the 'net, and 63% receive payments.
Gnomon Publishing
On Fri, March 13, 2009 1:18 pm, Stilgherrian wrote:
> On 13/03/2009, at 1:02 PM, Antony Barry quoted ACMA as saying:
>>> Ninety eight per cent of Australias small to medium enterprises
>>> (SMEs) with an internet connection use their online service to
>>> communicate with customers and suppliers [snip]
> Um, so the other 2% of businesses, the ones NOT communicating with
> customers or suppliers... who ARE they communicating with then? Or is
> it just to download teh pr0nz?
> Stil
> --
> Stilgherrian http://stilgherrian.com/
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