David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Sun Mar 15 14:24:54 AEDT 2009

On Sat, 14 Mar 2009 at 21:06:14 +1100 Robin Whittle wrote:
> Broadband over Power Lines (AKA PLC - Power Line Communications) is
> a load of crap.
Robin, do you mind not getting your facts in the way of people's 
beliefs? It's very upsetting.

OK, so we can't use the lines. What about the poles?

TransACT, among others, strings fibre from power poles for their HFC 
network. Is there any reason why that couldn't be extended to FTTN, then 
FTTH, for remote residences?

It's ugly and vulnerable, but would be quick to implement and far 
cheaper than in-ground installation. Bearing in mind that whatever is 
done will probably be replaced shortly by whatever comes next, so we 
need something quick & cheap, if a bit dirty.
David Boxall                    |  When a distinguished but elderly
                                |  scientist states that something is
                                |  possible, he is almost certainly
                                |  right. When he states that
                                |  something is impossible, he is
                                |  very probably wrong.
                                                   --Arthur C. Clarke

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