[LINK] Australian ISP Peering

Adrian Chadd adrian at creative.net.au
Wed Mar 18 16:09:33 AEDT 2009

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009, Michael Skeggs mike at bystander.net wrote:

> Peering will never impact the cost of international bandwidth, well
> unless you start hosting Debbie does Dallas Down Under.

There's a whole lot of rackspace being used up on the eastern seabord
by content providers (and a whole lot of rackspace being used up in random
spots around Australia by akamai boxes :) which show that plenty of
content is now available in Australia, and I'm reasonably sure thats
all happening via peering. It may not impact on the cost of international
bandwidth directly but I'd hazard a guess some economically minded chap
could point out how increasing amounts of local content in Australia may
be 'lessening' the drive for more international transit and thus adjustin
the price. As I said, someone with more economic clue may be able to
provide a deeper and more interesting analysis.

Now, as for why Telstra do or don't peer in certain environments,
I'd hazard a guess and say its probably why SP's in the US aren't peering
with "anyone" - why would you when you can buy transit from them.

I'm sure there are peering agreements between the largest SP's in
Australia. I'd love to be told differently, if only for personal
amusement. :)

The question should be, who would stand up and advocate a different
position than the status quo to the government? The larger content
providers may already be peering with the larger SPs? The larger
SPs may already be peering with the largest SPs (Telstra, Optus,
whatever) and thus are already selling transit which includes this
peering access? What economical motivation would they have to be
advocating open peering in a way that'd decrease the amount of revenue
made by selling transit? :)


(ObPoint: my little open source / content CDN in "stealth"ish mode
ships only about 1.1TB a day at the moment; about 5% of that goes
to "Australia", and about 25% of that 5% goes to Telstra. I wonder
how much traffic I'd have to be shifting to Telstra before they'd
consider peering with me..)

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