[LINK] ACMA Internet Filter List Leaked
Jan Whitaker
jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Thu Mar 19 15:27:09 AEDT 2009
At 01:58 PM 19/03/2009, George Bray wrote:
>WikiLeaks (if you can get to it)
Nope. Doesn't connect. Someone's put up a block, it seems.
This how daft the thing is and why a secret list is dangerous:
Web blacklist outcry: dentist, tuckshop on official 'hate list'
Asher Moses
March 19, 2009 - 2:35PM
Latest related coverage
Australian blacklist reveals banned sites
[the Age article about the leak above]
The Queensland dentist included on the Australian communications
regulator's blacklist of prohibited websites has demanded that the
list be cleaned up, as he is now being associated with child porn
peddlers and sexual violence sites.
Whisleblower site Wikileaks
the top-secret ACMA list today.
Websites contained on it will be blocked for all Australians once the
government implements its mandatory internet filtering scheme -
originally pitched as targeting only "illegal" content - later this year.
But, as experts have long warned the government, having a top-secret
blacklist of banned sites is dangerous because there is a real danger
that Australian businesses could be added to the list in error, with
little recourse.
Inevitable leaks of the list, as happened today, mean those innocent
businesses' websites could be associated with child porn repositories.
"Any person or corporation that would be identifiable on the list
would potentially be deemed by the general public ... either a child
molester or at least in the same category as child molesters," said
University of Sydney associate professor Bjorn Landfeldt.
"In effect, this could be interpreted by some as a government
sanctioned hate list.
"Even if the list is not leaked directly, it may be possible to
reverse engineer the list and find out its content."
Alongside child porn, bestiality, rape and extreme violence sites,
the list also includes a slew of online poker sites, YouTube links,
regular gay and straight porn sites, Wikipedia entries, euthanasia
sites, websites of fringe religions such as satanic sites, fetish
sites, Christian sites, the website of a tour operator and even a
Queensland dentist.
Other Australian sites on the list are canteens.com.au ("Tuckshop and
Canteen Management Consultants") and animal carers
The dentist, Dr John Golbrani, was furious when contacted to inform
him that his site, dentaldistinction.com.au, appeared on the blacklist.
"A Russian company broke into our website a couple of years back and
they were putting pornographic listings on there ... [but] we changed
across to a different web provider and we haven't had that problem
since," Golbrani said in a phone interview.
He said the fact that he hadn't been removed from the list was
"criminal" and he was scared potential customers may avoid him.
"The government needs to get in and clean it up," said Golbrani.
Daniel Purser, who runs a web hosting and web design company out of
NSW called Startcorp, was also shocked to learn that his site had
been blacklisted.
He said there was "no chance" any of his customers were hosting child
porn or other questionable content.
"We only host our own customers that we've done designs for and most
of them are referrals from our own customers or referrals from my
family," he said.
"Our service provider in Australia wouldn't tolerate it either,
they've got a very definite anti-pornography rule.
"Obviously somebody needs to have a look at the list and actually
make an assessment on whether it's a legitimate complaint or not
because obviously no investigation has been done at all."
Colin Jacobs, spokesman for online users' lobby group Electronic
Frontiers Australia said: "The prospect of mandatory nation-wide
filtering of this secret list is pretty concerning from a democratic
point of view."
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com
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