[LINK] ABC Mobile Web Site Failed Accessibility Test

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Fri Mar 20 11:13:17 AEDT 2009

Ivan Trundle wrote:
> On 20/03/2009, at 10:21 AM, George Bray wrote:
>> I don't consider their developments a waste of MY 8.8c per day.
> I don't believe that building custom information applications for  
> mobile content is flawed (or a waste of money), either.
> The ABC have a charter to disseminate information to the public, using  
> whichever tools the public are using.

Not quite, this is what it says on their website:

> (1)The functions of the Corporation are:
> (a) to provide within Australia innovative and comprehensive broadcasting 
services of a high standard as part of the Australian broadcasting system
consisting of national, commercial and public sectors and, without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, to provide:
> (i) broadcasting programs that contribute to a sense of national identity and 
inform and entertain, and reflect the cultural diversity of, the Australian
community; and
> (ii) broadcasting programs of an educational nature;
> (b) to transmit to countries outside Australia broadcasting programs of news, 
current affairs, entertainment and cultural enrichment that will:
> (i) encourage awareness of Australia and an international understanding of 
Australian attitudes on world affairs; and
> (ii) enable Australian citizens living or travelling outside Australia to 
obtain information about Australian affairs and Australian attitudes on world
affairs; and
> (c) to encourage and promote the musical, dramatic and other performing arts 
in Australia.


Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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