[LINK] Big Bro Stephen Is Watching
Jan Whitaker
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
Sun Mar 22 15:00:01 AEDT 2009
[I wonder if they will 'listen' if they 'read'.
So far the criticism doesn't seem to have done
much good re the filtering project. Or is this a
way to put black marks against those who are
critical? Will we end up in ASIO's bad books?
BTW, have any linkers applied to ASIO for their file?]
Critical blogs to be tracked
Josh Gordon
March 22, 2009
The Federal Government will begin trawling blog
sites as part of a new media monitoring strategy,
with official documents singling out a website
critical of the Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy.
Tender documents issued by the Department of
Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy
reveal it is looking for a "monitoring service
for print and electronic media". The department
later attached a clarification confirming this
included "blogs such as Whirlpool".
Whirlpool has strongly criticised Senator
Conroy's plan to filter internet content and his
handling of the Government's $15 billion national
broadband network. It is a community-run forum
devoted to discussing broadband internet access.
Senator Conroy's spokesman said: "Whirlpool
covers a wide range of topics across the
telecommunications sector. It and other web sites
provide valuable insight into the industries in which we work."
Opposition communications spokesman Nick Minchin
claimed it was "extreme" to expand media monitoring activities to blogs.
"Blogs such as Whirlpool provide an open forum
and do play an important role in our democracy.
Moves to monitor this space seem an unacceptable
use of taxpayers' money," he said.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
business: http://www.janwhitaker.com
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