[LINK] Australian ISP Peering

Martin Barry marty at supine.com
Mon Mar 23 03:40:37 AEDT 2009

$quoted_author = "stephen at melbpc.org.au" ;
> Thanks, Scott. Hence, can we not simply pass legislation that requires
> our big-four Aussie access providers (Telstra etc) and indeed ALL ISPs
> in Australia to join PIPE, or a similiar service which peers with PIPE?

You could I guess, but peering exchanges are designed to bring together
those who can't justify private interconnects, and rather than providing
peering between roughly equal networks they tend to bring together a wide
range of networks from around the "not-quite-big4" and smaller.

There seems to be a "why do we send Au to Au traffic via the US" element to
this discussion but it's been a while since I've heard of a network that
still forces that on their customers. Most "not-quite-big4" networks get
around it by buying domestic-only transit from at least one of the "big-4".


I think "a Standard" was just an example of one of the things it is not. It 
is also not a pressure washer, a small rodent native of south-east Asia or 
the cornerstone of a successful marketing campaign for hand soap.

Joe Abley - http://www.merit.edu/mail.archives/nanog/2004-08/msg00328.html

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