[LINK] Australian ISP Peering

Richard Chirgwin rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Mon Mar 23 07:19:17 AEDT 2009

stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
>> You'll get much more recent information on the website of the company
>> that actually runs the peering points - PIPE.
>> http://www.pipenetworks.com/Peering/who.shtml
> Thanks, Scott. Hence, can we not simply pass legislation that requires
> our big-four Aussie access providers (Telstra etc) and indeed ALL ISPs
> in Australia to join PIPE, or a similiar service which peers with PIPE?a
> arrangement.  It would certainly free-up our OS pipes quite incredibly.

As it happens, some years ago now the ACCC attempted to make the running
on peering - 2003 according to various submissions made to the inquiry.

The problem was not, as you might expect, obfuscation from the 'big
four', but a lack of co-operation from ISPs themselves. The inquiry was

> Hence, Tom's emails with his co-workers then simply go via Sydney, and
> NOT via America. How stupid, wastefull and quite simply idiotic is our
> present system?  When you think about it, we are STUPID to accept this!

As Martin noted, it's unusual for au-au traffic to transit the US.
Nearly all ISPs are customers of Telstra, Optus, AAPT or Verizon (I
think Verizon is the fourth these days? Someone can correct me if not).
So although they don't peer with (say) Telstra, if an ISP sends an au-au
e-mail on its Telstra link, Telstra will route it appropriately within


> Cheers,
> Stephen
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