[LINK] How filters work (was Re: Possible Letter to Conroy (the

rene rene.lk at libertus.net
Mon Mar 23 14:54:57 AEDT 2009

On Mon, 23 Mar 2009 14:36:07 +1100, George Bray wrote:

> Irene, thanks for keeping track of all the Govts statements.
> I for one remember going to the election noting that their filtering
> plans would be optional, yet once elected Conroy subtly changed them
> to compulsory.
> At the time, I didn't know that Labor had adopted Howard's "non-core
> promise" strategy for winning elections. Silly me.

Ditto. And Labor claiming its got any sort of mandate for 
compulsory-for-adults blocking is utterly ridiculous given the election 
policy they issued 5 days before the election said:

	"A Rudd Labor Government will require ISPs to offer a 'clean feed' 
internet service to all homes, schools and public internet points 
accessible by children, such as public libraries.
	Labor's ISP policy will prevent Australian children from accessing any 
content that has been identified as prohibited by ACMA..."

Few media outlets reported that policy and, even if many had, most voters 
would expect "offer" meant they would have the option of not taking up an 
"offer" of censored Internet access. In addition, Labor's policy 
specifically referred to preventing Australian children from accessing 
'prohibited' content, not adults.


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