Tom Koltai
tomk at unwired.com.au
Wed Mar 25 00:06:34 AEDT 2009
OK folks - TPK to the rescue.
BPL works depending on the transformers installed.
Alcatel tests from 1986 (For Telemetry reading the meter purposes - very
low bandwidth requirement) in QLD produced mixed results.
Short runs work - long runs don't.
We tried the same stuff in Darwin for four years..... Packets really
didn't like the lightning storms at 4:00 pm each wet season afternoon.
Retry count was sometimes 30+ retries per packet - resulting in a very
slow data connection.
Found similar problems with power loss on extremely hot days.
Trial eventually changed to 470 mhz RF for gas/electricity meter
telemetry and stayed there.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: link-bounces at mailman1.anu.edu.au
> [mailto:link-bounces at mailman1.anu.edu.au] On Behalf Of Robin Whittle
> Sent: Tuesday, 24 March 2009 5:46 PM
> To: link at anu.edu.au
> Subject: Re: [LINK] BPL
> Hi Stephen,
> I did not abuse you.
> I stated that your optimism seems to be unaffected by the
> efforts of me and others to help you understand the real
> limitations of BPL. I also stated that in contrast to most
> people on this list, you do not seem to take any interest in
> the detailed information other people are going to some
> trouble to offer you.
> Those are negative value judgements about your the way you
> appear to have formed your opinion about BPL and the way you
> have conducted yourself in this discussion. Insults and
> abuse would be far more broad-brush and inflammatory.
> Others can judge how well my statements are supported by the
> record of discussion. I think they are well supported and I
> stand by them.
> - Robin
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