[LINK] Police raid home of Wikileaks.de domain owner over
stephen at melbpc.org.au
stephen at melbpc.org.au
Wed Mar 25 23:51:21 AEDT 2009
Leah writes,
> I don't think ANYONE objects to the Blacklist being kept secret from
> the perspective of the URLs themselves.
> The issue is "What's in the list" to prevent abuse of the list
> listing Dentists and Opposing Political Views and so on.
Yes, that is one *major* issue, along with 'mandatory' and net speed.
So, independent blacklist maintainence, such as by the Judiciary, for
example, would ease much of that drama. A panel of Judges with agreed
criteria for list inclusion would surely be simple and effective. How
long would it take them. Thirty minutes a month to check proposed new
additions, maybe. People might not mind the 'secret' bit so much then.
> I feel that if instead of arguing about exposing the list, which then
> makes URLs (that probably change every 48 hours anyway if they are
> porn or child abuse) visible to people to be curious about "to gawk"
> and "rubber neck", why can't everyone focus on a method of giving
> Title to the URLs that are being listed.
> A Public Database that lists the:
> - DATE of entry into the database,
> - classification it would receive (because the URLs are NOT
> classified officially through application, they are just 'presumed to
> receive' a specific classification)
> - Title of the page (or site)
> - Description of the page or content. "Bestiality" or "Child
> - The Geographical location (may be assumption too) of the site
> - Reason for Listing (5 multiple choice options perhaps, I can't
> imagine there would be many variations, but they can always be added.)
> I'd then recommend, that any domain name that does not contain
> obvious keywords related to inappropriate sexual content or weapons
> or terrorism or whatever, be provided in the listing. In most cases
> on the 2nd level and TLD will be required. Looking over the
> published list I'd feel fairly confident this would be satisfactory.
> The result is that people can then check their domain names to see if
> they are listed - by accident or otherwise, and the reasons. Then a
> Speedy remedy can be applied to have the entry removed from the list.
> Domain names like MANY of the ones on the published list are
> blatantly obvious and really don't need to be displayed as they serve
> no purpose to anyone genuinely concerned about social protection.
> Social Protection includes not only the Viewer, but the children,
> women, men, animals, and lives of ALL people who could be affected by
> the creation or, action upon or the use of the material published
> under the banned URLs.
> Does this make sense or what?
> It's simple to activate. In fact the original complaint for a URL
> could also be anonymously published in the database so we can all see
> the process is in fact working.
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