[LINK] Gambling sites on blacklist (was Re: the Bill Henson 'mistake' - Conroy)

rene rene.lk at libertus.net
Fri Mar 27 23:12:46 AEDT 2009

On Fri, 27 Mar 2009 09:17:09 +0100, Kim Holburn wrote:
> He didn't address a lot of the other issues like the gambling sites
> on the ACMA list.  Were the gambling sites R-rated?  

The matter of compulsory blocking of 'prohibited internet gambling content' 
is one that the Minister has been able to escape answering to date, because 
he hasn't been asked. 

Gambling URLs on ACMA's blacklist/s are not on there due to being rated 
R18+, but because ACMA considers them to be 'prohibited internet gambling 
content' under the Interactive Gambling Act 2001. 

ACMA notifies such content to the makers of the approved Family Friendly 
Filters (same as it does 'prohibited content' under the Broadcasting 
Services Act).

According to ACMA in Senate ECA Estimates, Feb 2009, gambling content is a 
'separate' blacklist they provide to Family Friendly Filters makers which 
then had 25 URLs on it.

Unknown whether Labor's policy is to require blocking of 'prohibited' 
content under only the BSA, or also under the IGA. Difficult to imagine a  
(logical/rational) govt explanation for why 'prohibited' content under one 
law would be blocked but not that 'prohibited' under another law.


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