[LINK] the Bill Henson 'mistake' - Conroy

Fred Pilcher fpilcher at netspeed.com.au
Sat Mar 28 14:25:41 AEDT 2009

Stilgherrian wrote:
  > I don't find it "deeply disturbing", Fred, just a bit... lacking in
> transparency.

Thanks, Stil.

It's that lack of transparency I find so disturbing. As you say, there's 
nothing about who runs it, what it does, what its policies are. It makes 
a very significant claim: that it's "a customised educational search 
engine for Australian Schools"; if my kids were being told to use it, 
I'd want to know what kinds of things they were being blocked from 
seeing. That worries me much more than what they *might* be able to see.

Re the "Nazi" thing:

 >Also, while "Nazi" returns no searches, "Nazi" does. I guess they've
 > turned off word stemming, or something.

I'm well-prepared for one of my regular "D'oh" moments, but I can't see 
the difference.


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