[LINK] Fwd: Expert Panel: The Seven Stages of IPv6 Adoption

Paul Brooks pbrooks-link at layer10.com.au
Mon Mar 30 09:27:47 AEDT 2009

stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
> I don't know if registrars, hosting companies, ISPs, or whomever, might
> be ideal watch-keepers over those new au 'territories' but, just maybe,
> new arrangements may be indicated simply because of immense numbers.
Stephen - the possible space may have expanded greatly, but the growth 
in number of devices/addresses actually in use that might be monitored 
won't change greatly, at least for a while.
If you are concerned about the ability of ISPs to keep tabs on devices 
actively using addresses, and track down those that might be (for 
example) spamming or virus-ridden, this is typically done through 
logfiles generated by active traffic, in which are recorded the actual 
source addresses - the key scalability issue is the number of active 
devices appearing in the logs, not the size of the address-space and the 
numbers of unused addresses that might be surrounding those in use.


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