[LINK] USDAFoodSafety is using Twitter.

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Mon Mar 30 19:26:53 AEDT 2009

grove at zeta.org.au wrote:

> It all eats just too many cycles...
> The same is probably true of people like RickW and so on.
> Twitter and social networking etc is just something I can't 
> put those extra cycles into, when I already have a full online 
> life and a real one too ;)

Yup. Only so many cycles in the day, relations, computer,
attention span, life.

I must admit I spend any spare work time learning more high-end
technology. To spend it learning how to use yet another social
network (YASN) is a waste of time. To spend it learning how to
care and feed yet another digital device (YADD) is another waste
of time. /Pour mois./

Crikey, I can spend 2 hours researching and reporting on one
single Internet exploit, like the burgeoning Conflicker zombiebot
god ... a possible ONEDAY exploit now.

Even eclectic and honourable lists like LINK can take an hour's
worth of time cycles per day.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

We are all born mad.
Some remain so.
      -- Samuel Beckett in Waiting for Godot.

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