[LINK] Do It Yourself?

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Tue Mar 31 13:03:14 AEDT 2009

Tom writes,

> HAA! I knew I had seen that name before...... I think I wrote about
Tom writes

> your BBS in Issue 5 or 6 of Chips and Bits Magazine in 1993 .......

That was a very good magazine. I remember it well. Cutting edge stuff.

So it was you Tom :) And you did. Ta again for that. And, Prof Bernard
Holkner out at Monash uni arranged a BB Fidonet feed, (store & forward
node-to-node style email) and supervised the IT masters and supplied a
dial in vax account so our school also had the first Aussie school web
pages, which he will confirm. Sorry boring Link like this, but all you
IT high flyers can be proud of how 'your' Aussie schools were, and are,
serving your kids well. Some of our student computer club kids are now
also IT high-flying, so one hears, with Bernard, Monash etc continuing
the good work. Whilst on this topic, some of the smartest IT people in
your local area will be the IT manager for your local school, guys. We
are working hard for YOU, and your kids, and for all Australia. Your $
in tax for teaching staff and equipment are indeed well spent. Thanks.

Cheers, Tom
Stephen Loosley
Victoria Australia

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