[LINK] University of Missouri to require iPod touch or iPhone for Journalism students

Brendan Scott brendansweb at optusnet.com.au
Mon May 25 11:04:38 AEST 2009

Tom Worthington wrote:
> At 07:45 PM 22/05/2009, Ash Nallawalla wrote:
> The article quotes a dean of Journalism saying that "Lectures are the 
> worst possible learning format" but  "... if a student can hear that 
> lecture a second time, they retain three times as much of that 
> lecture.". If lectures are a poor learning format, then I suggest the 

If I was a student I wouldn't be too keen on being expected to effectively double my contact hours. 


> The use of Apple's proprietary music store for distributing lectures 
> does not appear a good idea. Instead the university could provide the 

There are countless university podcasts which are free, but unavailable to me because they're only on itunes. 


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