[LINK] Australian government admits less than 32% of secret censorship list is related to underage images

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Thu May 28 22:55:32 AEST 2009


> ACMA admitted that:
>     * A mere 32% of the secret censorship list is related to a  
> category covering potentially sexually provocative images of persons  
> appearing to be under the age of 18, pages with links to these  
> images or other "child abuse" information. The was politically  
> marketed to the Australian public as primarily a method of  
> preventing child pornography.
>     * After an unusual delay, the Australian government have now  
> officially referred the publication of the list to the Australian  
> Federal Police. It is alleged that WikiLeaks' release of the  
> censorship list is illegal under Australian law.
>     * Subsequent to revelations by WikiLeaks that the secret list  
> contained many harmless or political sites (including WikiLeaks  
> itself) around 150 have been removed from the list. At the time ACMA  
> admitted the list held over 1100 URLs. ACMA now claims the  
> censorship list has 977 URLs.


> Children depend, even more than their parents, on the quality and  
> viability of government. Corruption of those traditions which keep  
> government honest and accountable - public oversight, natural  
> justice, and protection from state censorship - is not just an  
> affront to Enlightenment ideals, but an assault on the interests of  
> children.


> Australian Parliament Hansard (transcript) for 25 May 2009—Senate  
> Estimates Committee


> Senator LUDLAM — Minister, have the comments that you made before  
> about proposed reviews of the way the list is set up and so on been  
> subject to a public announcement or are we hearing about that for  
> the first time?
> Senator Conroy — No. I did not watch myself on SBS Insight after the  
> program was taped because it was actually pre-recorded, whereas I  
> understand it is normally live. But I think I indicated that on the  
> Insight program. I say that not having watched the final cut, but  
> certainly I indicated that in front of the audience and I am  
> assuming it went to air. But I know they did cut some of the  
> discussions.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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