[LINK] Bandwidth-guzzling iPhone called "Hummer of cellphones"

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Fri Sep 4 18:04:48 AEST 2009

Welcome to the internet.


> Bandwidth-guzzling iPhone called "Hummer of cellphones"
> By Slash Lane
> While AT&T and Apple have remained silent on the absence of  
> tethering and MMS with the iPhone, a new report provides insight on  
> the effect an influx of bandwidth-heavy mobile users have had on the  
> wireless network.
> Digging into customer dissatisfaction with the AT&T network, The New  
> York Times revealed that the carrier has struggled to keep up with  
> demand as iPhone owners use more and more bandwidth. The report  
> suggests that AT&T's reputation could be tarnished because, for some  
> users, its network is unable to keep up with demand. The bandwidth  
> issues have led to delays of tethering and multimedia messaging,  
> much-anticipated features for iPhone users.
> "The result is dropped calls, spotty service, delayed text and voice  
> messages and glacial download speeds as AT&T’s cellular network  
> strains to meet the demand," the report, which compared the device  
> to a gas-guzzling Hummer, states. "Another result is outraged  
> customers."
> The average iPhone user reportedly consumes 10 times the bandwidth  
> of a typical smartphone user, but that is expected to change in the  
> near future. The growth of the iPhone and its impact on the AT&T  
> network has even led to lawsuits. As other mobile devices emulate  
> the iPhone and also use more network capacity, the problem is  
> expected to grow on all networks, not just AT&T.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294  M: +39 3494957443
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