Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Wed Apr 14 17:14:02 AEST 2010

Kim Holburn wrote:
> On 2010/Apr/14, at 2:30 PM, Sylvano wrote:
>>> Of course, there is a real difference between the US and Australia  
>>> (and
>>> most
>>> of the rest of the world) in terms of the proliferation of cable/ 
>>> etc TV
>>> and
>>> the lack of (easy) availability of Free-To-Air TV which gives a much
>>> higher
>>> incentive to "cut the cord" due to the monthly recurring costs.

It is worth noting that in the UK you pay for a TV license
which is collected by and funds the BBC!

One of the imperatives to go digital was better utilisation
of the spectrum. Unfortunately Digital TV in Australia has
been a real debacle - with the HDTV allocation.

We could have subscription wireless TV - in fact, I think
there might be such a narrowcaster in Melbourne and the bbc
ran a radio trial (?) service some time back.

> In many countries they have unlimited downloads.  In Australia where  
> the owner of the last mile and also one of the biggest retail and  
> wholesale ISPs and also closely connected to the major cable content  
> provider only provides capped or limited downloads.  I wonder why?   
> Maybe it would compete with their own business?

There are 3G wireless providers offering last mile. Optus as
well as Foxtel gave up rolling out cable.
The NBN will be providing satellite access to parts of the
country. They are also emphasing that they are seeking to
provide competition. However, you cannot provide competition
where there is no market!

As I understand it the difference between "IPTV" and
cable/free to air, is that IPTV is on demand.

Maybe we will see Pay per view - but I thought
Telstra tried that.

Marghanita da Cruz
Tel: 0414-869202

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