[LINK] Australia begs residents to accept free fiber connection

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Tue Aug 3 13:17:32 AEST 2010

Birch, Jim wrote:
> Jan Whitaker wrote:
>> Well, if you call the 1 foot ditch I had to dig myself when they
>> put in my telephone cable 12 years ago, I guess it's a trench. If
>> they really want to dig it up and put it in for free, more power
>> to them. At least I won't have to be doing it myself!
> Trenches are a 100% normal part of supply of these kind of services.
> Does anyone seriously think that FTTH won't happen?  It's just a
> question of when.  Why not resume swapping floppy disks, or stick with
> the hand loom, they worked!
> There are big advantages of having a national program in terms of
> installation cost, (near-) universal access, and inhibiting monopolistic
> practices.  These points can be argued - probably on ideological grounds
> - but sooner or later you'll get the trench.

I'm not so sure. The alternative approach is to use overhead 
Energy Australia's cables cross private land and terminate 
on dwellings.
They have access to the fusebox.

Is the Transact data cable underground?

By the way, Energy Australia recently changed the path of 
their cable
across our property. I had carefully planted trees on either 
side, now
the cable is directly above one of these trees and affects 
the view from
  the upper balcony. They also upgraded the fuse at the 
connection point and
replaced the cables in the street with Aluminium cables. Less
efficient but apparently more robust.

Elsewhere power seems to be moving underground.

Marghanita da Cruz
Tel: 0414-869202

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