[LINK] Fwd: Google vs. the Internet?
Jan Whitaker
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
Sat Aug 7 08:50:20 AEST 2010
MoveOn, the US big brother of GetUp!, is taking on Google/Verizon.
>Click here to sign the petition to Google:
>Say no to the reported agreement with Verizon to
>kill Net Neutrality and the open Internet."
><http://pol.moveon.org/google/?id=22362-7221053-cd1TJDx&t=3>Sign the petition
>Dear MoveOn member,
>Big news: according to reports, Google is about
>to cut a terrible deal with Verizon that would
>end the fair, open Internet as we know it.1
>The reported Google-Verizon deal would allow
>giant corporations to control which websites
>load quickly and easily on the Internet and dump
>everyone else onto an Internet slow lane. This
>is exactly the kind of unequal playing field
>that Google itself has opposed in the past.2
>We only have a few days to stop it, so we're
>launching a grassroots protest calling on Google
>to scuttle the deal. Will you sign our emergency
>petition to Google? Click here to sign:
>The petition says: "Google: Say no to the
>reported agreement with Verizon to kill Net Neutrality and the open Internet."
>The Internet was founded on the principle that
>all data is equaland that no corporation should
>be able to decide whose data goes faster or
>slower. It's this principle, called Net
>Neutrality, that has made the Internet such an
>amazing platform for individual speech,
>democratic action, and entrepreneurial creativity.3
>And until now, Googlewhich uses the corporate
>motto "Don't Be Evil"has been a staunch
>defender of Net Neutrality.4 But now, Google is
>threatening to turn the Internet into a closed,
>pay-to-play, cash cow for large corporations.
>This move is evil, and Google knows it.
>Here's why this is a big deal. President Obama's
>new Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
>chair initially came out strong for Net
>Neutrality, in line with the President's
>campaign promises.5 But the big telecom
>companies launched a lobbying frenzy, and soon
>the FCC was meeting with them behind closed doors.
>Because Google and Verizon are two powerhouse
>corporations that have historically been on
>opposite sides of this issue, an agreement
>between them will put enormous pressure on the
>FCC to go along with their recommendations.
>Essentially, two giant corporations may be
>deciding the future of the Internetif the Obama
>administration goes along, and if the public
>doesn't push back right away. Click here to help stop them now:
>Google was once a champion on this issueGoogle
>chief executive Eric Schmidt once attacked
>"phone and cable monopolies" who "want the power
>to choose who gets access to high-speed lanes
>and whose content gets seen first and fastest."6
>But today's news stories report that under the
>new deal, Verizon could be allowed to give some
>sites preferential treatment. Even more
>ominously, it appears that Verizon would have
>free rein to discriminate on the mobile Internet
>(smartphones, cell phones, etc). Since that's
>where most people will access the Net going
>forward, this would essentially spell the end of Net Neutrality.
>Google has issued a short, carefully worded
>statement challenging some of the details in The
>New York Times story, but it hasn't denied that
>it is going along with this agreement to kill
>Net Neutrality.7 So much for "Don't be evil."
>Will you sign our petition today and tell Google
>not to be evil on Net Neutrality?
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
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