[LINK] NBN to be 1Gbps

Michael Skeggs mike@bystander.net mskeggs at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 12:25:44 AEST 2010

On 12 August 2010 12:15, Scott Howard <scott at doc.net.au> wrote:

> Because, at the end of the day, the "center" of the Internet is the US (and
> to a lesser extent, Western Europe) - and it's the responsibility for the
> provider to connect to that "center".

Note also AU and NZ (and ZA) are a little unusual as their "center" is
so far away. DE, FR, CN and JP (for example) all have centers within
their boarders. UK gets a piggy back across the Atlantic thanks to
EU-US economies of scale. CA gets a free ride due to proximity to COM.
We pay for speaking the language of a geographically distant country
(with, of course, the attendant benefits of that shared language). I
wonder if the "center" for the Portuguese or Spanish Internet is in EU
or Sth America/MX.

Michael Skeggs

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