[LINK] Do-Not-Track

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Wed Dec 1 08:39:51 AEDT 2010

stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:

> --
> Firefox-maker Mozilla mulls do-not-track tool
> Julia Angwin and Spencer Ante From: The Wall Street Journal, Nov 30, 2010
> <http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/news/firefox-maker-mozilla-
> mulls-do-not-track-tool/story-e6frg90x-1225963351252>
> The group will discuss a technical method that would allow web browsers
> to broadcast a "do not track" message at a user's request.

Would you trust such a mechanism? Sans legislation enforcing such
functionality, I would doubt that marketeers would honour such a
request. It smacks of SPAMmers including a "do not send further emails"
link in their emails.

> Microsoft's
> Internet Explorer was selected by 59 per cent of web users and Google's
> Chrome was used by about 9 per cent.

There is quite a difference between "selected" and "used". IE only
runs on Windows. How many (hapless) Windows users "select" IE? How
many even know they have a choice? AFAIK, Chrome does not come installed
by default on any OS, whereas IE is foisted upon all Windows users.


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

aibohphobia  -  the fear of palindromes

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