[LINK] net neutrality case study in US

Birch, Jim Jim.Birch at dhhs.tas.gov.au
Wed Dec 1 10:35:53 AEDT 2010

Jan Whitaker quote:

"Comcast is effectively putting up a toll booth at the borders of its 
broadband Internet access network, enabling it to unilaterally decide 
how much to charge for content which competes with its own cable-TV 
and Xfinity delivered content," Level 3 chief legal officer Thomas 
Stortz said in a prepared statement.

This seems to me one of the absolutely massive - but unquantifiable -
benefits of the public infrastructure approach of the NBN.  These kind
of problem won't occur or if it does it is easy to deal with.  You're
not stuck in a vertical market so can easily switch content suppliers.

OTOH it could benefit suppliers in some ways too - if I could buy a pay
per view or a 100 hour block contract from Fox (etc) for a few things
they show that I actually want to see I would consider it.  Well, might.
(I do watch Fox News occasionally, but on YouTube ;)

- Jim


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