[LINK] Government gives thumbs down to PDF format

linda rouse linda at databasics.com.au
Thu Dec 2 11:04:25 AEDT 2010

On 1/12/10 8:22 PM, Kim Holburn wrote:
> http://www.itnews.com.au/News/240304,government-gives-thumbs-down-to-pdf-format.aspx
>> While the use of PDF files was prolific and preferred over other formats, the study also found that:
>> 	• 80 percent of respondents do not complement the use of PDF files without alternate formats;
>> 	• PDF files are used by a wide variety of organisations but those are blind or have low vision experience many problems with multi-column designs;
>> 	• Screen readers are unable to interact with a document saved as an image-only PDF file because images are not accessible to people who are blind.
>> 	• Employing workaround methods to access inaccessible PDF files results in a degraded experience when compared to accessing equivalent documents in other formats.

> http://www.finance.gov.au/publications/pdf-accessibility-study/index.html

Notwithstanding the above issues, I am surprised no-one has mentioned 
the Read Out Loud menu option... I confess I only found it by accident 
but it does quite a good job of reading the text. I did not check that 
it read the columns correctly though as it was proving too disrupting to 
my colleagues! Which is prolly why noone has mentioned it...


Linda Rouse, Information Manager
DataBasics Pty Limited
1300 886 238 (Aust local call) or International +617 4038 3205
linda at databasics.com.au

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