[LINK] wikileaks back

Ben McGinnes ben at adversary.org
Sat Dec 4 17:14:42 AEDT 2010

On 4/12/10 10:52 AM, Jan Whitaker wrote:
> At 10:17 AM 4/12/2010, Scott Howard you wrote:
>> In the case of EveryDNS it was in breach of terms for a
>> FREE service.
> Isn't wikileaks free?

The point here is that EveryDNS is a free service and the attacks
against WikiLeaks were taking out every domain which they provide DNS
services for, approximately 500,000 domains.  EveryDNS chose to
suspend the WikiLeaks service in the interests of their other users.
They also gave 24 hours notice before pulling the plug.


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