[LINK] Cyber Defence Management System for Australian Government

Tom Worthington tom.worthington at tomw.net.au
Mon Dec 6 13:19:23 AEDT 2010

The Australian Government has issued a Request for Information for a 
"Cyber Event Management and Reporting System", to be used by the DSD 
Cyber Security Operations Centre. The Description of Requirement says:

"1. The Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) is seeking expressions of 
interest from industry relating to commercially available software 
applications capable of providing a Cyber Event Management and Reporting 
System (CEMaRS) capability. The CEMaRS application will provide support 
to the DSD Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC) and its’ role in 
defending Australian Government information networks.
2. The CEMaRS application will provide the CSOC with a capability to 
view all reported or identified cyber events, to consolidate information 
relating to events, and to make informed decisions in responding to events.
3. The system must ..."

More in my blog at: 

The RFI is available on the government tender system, DISG ITR 2010/18, 
3 December 2010: 

Tom Worthington FACS CP HLM, TomW Communications Pty Ltd. t: 0419496150
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617, Australia  http://www.tomw.net.au
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science, The
Australian National University http://cs.anu.edu.au/courses/COMP7310/
Visiting Scientist, CSIRO ICT Centre: http://bit.ly/csiro_ict_canberra

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