[LINK] iinet wins!!

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Fri Feb 5 11:05:26 AEDT 2010

As I recall they had an anti-piracy group called detecnet who had  
special bittorrrent clients that only talked to iinet IPs.


An interesting quote from that page:
> Last week, Cobden argued that AFACT hadn’t provided any evidence  
> that iiNet customers had engaged in copyright infringement as they  
> were only sharing small parts of files (such is the nature of  
> BitTorrent), rather than the “substantial” parts, as required under  
> the law. In order to prove his point, Cobden went on to cite an  
> earlier copyright case.

It'd be hard to prove someone had uploaded a complete file to another  
particular person using bittorrent.

On 2010/Feb/05, at 10:37 AM, Pilcher, Fred wrote:

> Something's been puzzling me about this - forgive my ignorance. I
> understand that the claimants say they provided iinet with evidence as
> to who'd been downloading what from where. Where and how did they get
> that information? Had they been sniffing the network? Had they hacked
> into users' computers? Is it legal for them to do that?
> Fred
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Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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