[LINK] FW: Legal processes are not obvious [was: "Men at work" up a gum tree]

Tuckfield, Vanessa Vanessa.Tuckfield at cit.act.edu.au
Fri Feb 5 12:13:46 AEDT 2010


I always assumed cover bands and the idol shows had to pay
royalties to the owners of the music.


The cover bands tend not to pay royalties, but the venues they play in
do, and when surveyed some of that money would go to the band being
covered, not the cover band.

Idol shows and television has to have licenses to play music, licensing
occurs a few ways in audiovisual material.


Vanessa Tuckfield
Copyright Officer 
Learning Centre | Canberra Institute of Technology & Benchmarking and
Research | Australian Flexible Learning Framework
T (02) 6207 3158 | F (02) 6207 3379 | M 0416 169 313 | E
vanessa.tuckfield at cit.act.edu.au 
Post: GPO Box 826, Canberra ACT 2601 
Location: Room E152c Block E, Reid Campus, Constitution Avenue, Reid ACT
W www.cit.act.edu.au W flexiblelearning.net.au/copyrightkitchen

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