[LINK] Data Centre Green Technology Conference in Melbourne
Tom Worthington
tom.worthington at tomw.net.au
Fri Feb 26 11:31:48 AEDT 2010
I wrote 05/02/10 08:47:
> "Data Centre GreenTech Melbourne 2010" is on 26th February 2010...
Greetings from Data Centre GreenTech Melbourne 2010. The program has
filled out. Some of the topics may be of interest:
Arriving a little late for the opening, I had a quick tour of the
exhibition hall, which only has six exhibitors: Stulz Australia
(cooling), SGI (Cluster computers), Micromation (UPSs), National Fire
Solutions (Fire control) and Chloride (UPSs). I am yet to entirely
understand the program for the conference, with the part of the program
I am in appearing to be just one stream. There are about 300 delegates
in three rooms.
The first talk I attended was Wlliam Ehmcke and Graeme Philipson from
Connection Research (to be renamed "envirAbility") who explained they
have a contract with the Environment Department to produce data centre
metrics for Australia. These will be released later in the year. More on
their talk at:
I will be speaking on "Training Green Technologists" at 12:20am. Thanks
to Bernard Robertson-Dunn for suggestions for my talk (but any
mistakes in the talk are all mine).
Data Centre GreenTech Melbourne 2010 is on 26th February. I will be
speaking on "Training Green Technologists":
9:00 The Conference Chairman Opening Speech
Mr Spencer Denyer, Editor-In-Chief – APAC Media, Strategic Facilities
9:20 Energy Conscious Scheduling and CPU Utilisation
Global warming and climate change trends call for urgent action to
manage information and communication technologies in a sustainable
manner by minimizing energy consumption and utilizing resources more
Professor Albert Y. Zomaya
Chair Professor of High Performance Computing & Networking
Director, Centre for Distributed & High Performance Computing
School of Information Technologies, The University of Sydney
10:00 Data Centre Energy & Efficiency Metrics - State of Play in
Australia and Beyond
As the push for a more greener data centre and compute environment
continues to grow further momentum, fuelled by the past global financial
events and cost to business, we are seeing a heightened awareness and
discussion around effective metrics.
Mr William Ehmcke, CEO, Connection Research
Mr Graeme Philipson, Research Director, Connection Research
10:40 Analysis of Free Cooling Methodologies for Australia
With a move towards IT operators accepting relaxed operating design
conditions suitable for their particular application and site, the
potential for Mechanical Services and associated Electrical Services
energy saving gains is being realised in both new and existing data centres.
This presentation looks at the several methods of data centre “free
cooling”, explores their advantages and disadvantages and provides a
guide to the likely energy savings for some typical world wide locations
compared to conventional computer room air conditioning (CRAC) and
chilled water (CHW) plant systems.
Mr Peter Koulos, Associate Director, Norman Disney & Young
11.20 Morning Coffee Break
11:40 Do You Have The Will?
A small change can make a difference and a positive impact on the
environment. A case study presented by Simarjit Chhabra, CIO, Xtralis on
how he made changes at Xtralis which revolutionized his organization
globally and helped it to leap frog ahead of its competitors.
He highlights the fact anyone can make a difference and all you need is
a Will!
Mr Simarjit Chhabra, Chief Information Officer, Xtralis
12:20 Training Green Technologists
The data centre industry needs professionals trained in sustainability,
quickly and cost effectively. In the current financial situation
organisations can't afford to have their data centre managers, CIOs or
engineers off-line for conventional training courses. The designer of
the world's first globally accredited green ICT course talks about low
cost mentored and collaborative techniques can be used for teaching
professionals in the workplace, via the Internet, using smart phones,
Apple iPads and other energy efficient technology.
Mr Tom Worthington, ACS Green Technology Course Designer, ACS
13.00 - 14.00 Networking Lunch Break
14:00 Making Your DC Sustainable
Through this insightful presentation, Glenn will take you through what
operational changes you can make to take your baby Dinosaur (or Data
Centre) through the Ice Age!
• How big is the DC footprint.
• Why did this happen?
• How do we adapt?
• When these dominoes fall what else changes!
Mr Glenn Allan, IS&S Infrastructure Transformation, Infrastructure
Transformation Manager Data Centre / Green IT, National Australia Bank
14:40 Energy Efficiency Guidelines For Data Centres
This presentation will overview the specially developed ‘ResourceSmart
Best Practice Guide’ for data centre and IT facilities developed in
conjunction with Sustainability Victoria. The guide provides
step-by-step directions to improving energy efficiency in small to
medium sized data centres and information technology (IT) server
facilities, up to 100m2. It provides basic information on system
operation and outlines opportunities for improving system performance
and efficiency, delivering cost savings to business and reducing carbon
emissions, Through this presentation, delegates will be able to
understand the key components of the guide and gain important knowledge
to take back to the workplace and aide in crucial decision making around
future efficiency measures.
Mr Daniel Hallett, Mechanical Engineer, ARUP
15.20 - 15.40 Afternoon Coffee Break
15:40 Cloud DR - An Optimized Approach to Workload Mobility,
Availability and Real-time Backup
Virtualization and Cloud computing is changing the mind-set of
organizations, and is rapidly shaping a modern definition of High
Availability and Disaster Recovery in a Multi-Subscribed Resources on
demand model. Disaster Recovery vendors have allowed for new methods for
protection and recovery of critical workloads, however we’re still faced
with challenges of remote availability, platform dependency, efficient
balancing of physical resources, mobility of workloads and operational
recoverability. In his session, " Cloud DR - An Optimized Approach to
Workload Mobility, Availability and Real-time backup ", Babkov will
address the technical considerations for providing high availability and
disaster recovery of both physical and virtual servers using traditional
protection solutions as well as newer solutions that combine aspects of
real-time data replication and full-server recovery. He will also cover
options for x2x migration of workloads internally or externally of the cloud
Mr Viktor Babkov, founding Director, Business Continuity Asia Pacific
16:20 The Head Table Moderated Q & A Panel Discussion Data Centre
Efficiencies - Infrastructure & Compute
Mr Peter Koulos – Norman Disney Young
Mr Danny Davis - CIO Institute
Tom Worthington FACS HLM, TomW Communications Pty Ltd. t: 0419496150
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617, Australia http://www.tomw.net.au
Adjunct Lecturer, The Australian National University t: 02 61255694
Computer Science http://cs.anu.edu.au/user/3890
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