[LINK] iinet wins!!

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Mon Feb 8 13:50:45 AEDT 2010

Frank writes,

>>> On 7/02/2010 2:02 PM, Jan wrote:
>>> It's nasty no matter which way anyone jumps on this one.
>> At 2:21 PM +1100 on 7/2/10 David wrote:
>> Would the least nasty way to jump be to conclude that the problem is
>> with the law? As it stands, is copyright realistically enforceable ..
> Frank wrote,
> .. It's also not up to governments to enforce the copyright.. because
> its the taxpayer who pays for that ... and surely the business of
> copyright holding is private industry. 

Conroy calls for 'mature' talks after iiNet decision
By Andrew Ramadge, Technology Reporter From: www.news.com.au Feb 08, 2010

Sen Conroy doesn't want new piracy laws 
'Movie, internet industries should talk' 
Conroy would prefer a code of practice 

COMMUNICATIONS Minister Stephen Conroy says he won't push for new laws to 
tackle illegal file-sharing while the movie and internet industries are 
unable to work together. 

Senator Conroy said it was disappointing that the industries had ended up 
in court rather than working together to solve the problem.

"It's always disappointing when situations like this end up in court," he 
told ABC website Hungry Beast.


"I think that a mature approach by both the movie industry and the 
internet industry – sitting down, having a conversation and coming up 
with a code of practice – is the absolutely preferable outcome."

"I've been trying for two years to encourage the sectors to have a 
dialogue, and they've got themselves into a court battle," he said.

"But what I would still hope is that we can bring them together to sit 
down and settle their differences, create a code of practice that 
actually protects both parties."

He said such talks would be better than the Government introducing new 
laws to curb file-sharing.



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