[LINK] Jailbreaking (was: Inaccessible web sites)

Martin Barry marty at supine.com
Thu Feb 18 00:01:55 AEDT 2010

$quoted_author = "Ivan Trundle" ;
> I suspected that this would migrate to hair splitting, but nonetheless,
> it's a very fine hair.

If you incorrectly use a word Link is the first place you will get called on

> If the interpretations made on Link are any guide, I'd be surprised if any
> software development involving profit had any future whatsoever!

Sorry, what?

I haven't seen a single arguement against selling software for profit.

Everyone appears to be correcting your usage of the word "steal".

> Ideas can be stolen as much as chattels.

The word "steal" would be hard to apply because it requires two conditions:

- to take unlawfully

- to deprive the owner of it

Therefore it would only apply in specific cases. The two I can think of are:

- if it's the only copy of the information.

- something that was secret. Depriving the owner of the secrecy / privacy,
  not the content per se. 

> I'm unlikely to convince anyone on Link, but it's simply my view. It might
> also be inconsistent with anyone else, but I'm not unduly worried or even
> particularly passionate about it. I also respect other people's views on
> the matter. 

I think you have more support than you realise. You are just misinterpreting
"nit-picking about the use of loaded words" as "rejection of your entire


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