[LINK] E-Waste

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Thu Feb 18 10:15:36 AEDT 2010

On 2010/Feb/18, at 9:38 AM, Marghanita da Cruz wrote:

> With the impending arrival of Digital TV,
> the issue of E-Waste is the Elephant in the Room.
> All levels of Government seem to have a policy of Producer
> Responsibility. Though I believe what is required is
> retailer responsibility - bring in your old TV to get a
> discount on your new one.

I have thought for some time that what we need is a tax or a fee on  
all things that end up in landfill.  A landfill fee.  Including all  
machinery, cars, electronics, white-goods.  For instance on all  
packaging.  You could get out of paying it if your packaging was  
recyclable and you provided facilities for recycling.  Like drinks  
containers in South Australia - but when other states hinted they  
might follow suit the drinks industry went ballistic.

I'm not sure retailers are the right place for the responsibility - I  
would have thought it was the manufacturers and importers.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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