[LINK] Feds to form education IT advice panel

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Fri Feb 19 11:54:19 AEDT 2010

Feds to form education IT advice panel
Feb 18, 2010 12:40 PM

Find ways to spend over $2.2 billion.

The Federal Department of Education has announced it will form an expert 
technical panel to provide advice on ways to better integrate IT and 
communications technology into education.

The panel could be used by the Department of Education, Employment and 
Workplace Relations (DEEWR) to support "the development, implementation 
and evaluation of initiatives including the Digital Education Revolution 
(DER) and the Vocational Education Broadband Network (VEN)."

The Government has committed $2.2 billion to the digital education 
revolution and $80 million for the broadband network.

The revolution includes the computers for schools project. According to 
the DEEWR web site, to date the Federal Government has dished out 
funding for just under 300,000 computers in Australian schools.

"The Applied ICT in Education Panel will be required to provide expert 
technical advice and analysis and contribute to the development and 
implementation of initiatives," the department said.

"The panel may be required to assist in developing, reviewing and 
providing quality assurance of technical documents and reports.

"Areas of expertise relevant to education include infrastructure, 
networking, e-Learning, technical standards, copyright, security and 

The department said there was no guarantee that panel members would be 
awarded services contracts as a result of their sitting on the panel.

The panel was expected to start in April and run through until the end 
of June 2011.


Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Canberra Australia
brd at iimetro.com.au

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