[LINK] internet chapter of secret ACTA draft leaked

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Wed Feb 24 14:52:14 AEDT 2010

This was all about ACTA?  Why don't we wait until we've signed up, if  
we get signed up, if anyone signs up.

In the meantime we have spam, ID theft, armies of trojan botnets, ie  
real problems.

On 2010/Feb/24, at 11:36 AM, James Collins wrote:
> 1. ACTA threaten to make ISPs liable for actions of users.

No it doesn't.  It threatens to force governments provide a free  
service to copyright holders to force ISPs to punish users (and likely  
their families and possibly their neighbours) when someone at the  
house is "accused" of copyright infringement.

> 2. APN provides protection for ISPs from litigation when they have  
> made
> available a method of blocking said actions by users.

No, it's an interesting argument but if the legislation says cut this  
customer and their family off from all internet business then that's  
what the ISP has to do.

> 3. If the users don't take up blocking of copyright infringing  
> sites, that's
> not the ISPs fault. It's strictly between ACTA/Users.

Between corporate copyright intermediaries and their customers, always  
was.  The point about p2p is that there are huge numbers of people  
connected to the internet and many share stuff.  It's not "a few  
sites".  You can't block this many things safely or usefully.

> 4. Note that all the above protection disappears if you make the  
> filtering
> Mandatory.

I'm not sure what you mean by this.  We may get mandatory filters  
anyway.  Why does this make the protection disappear?

> In that case, the ISP could well be back in the do do if he fails
> to block the connection...

Not clear what you mean by this.  If the ISP fails to cut their  
customer off?  Yeah then they may fall afoul of the legislation which  
we haven't seen yet and may never see.

>> one might suspect that you're just hijacking the thread to tout your
>> APN idea.
> Just stating the facts Craig. I realise the sceptic in you will always
> maintain that this is impossible. I only hope to get the chance one  
> day to
> convert you :) Alas and Alack though, that will take a lot more than  
> mere
> words, it will take actions. And supporters who actually count are  
> few and
> far between....

There is a solution for all the copyright problems the internet is  
causing - new business models.  I don't see any way around that.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
T: +61 2 61402408  M: +61 404072753
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