[LINK] internet chapter of secret ACTA draft leaked

James Collins nospam at ggcs.net.au
Thu Feb 25 00:23:33 AEDT 2010

> Subject: Re: [LINK] internet chapter of secret ACTA draft leaked

> This was all about ACTA?  Why don't we wait until we've signed up, if  
> we get signed up, if anyone signs up.

Well originally, that's what I was talking about in the first message :) The
copyright issue is a hairy one, but the barrister I spoke to thought the APN
model would placate them, and make them not want to put any "legislation"
into effect, since it effectively gave them a voluntary model with which to

> In the meantime we have spam, ID theft, armies of trojan botnets, ie  
> real problems.

Extremely true. Or. We could just block a 1000 URLs. The choice is ours. If
we want to present a viable alternative that is, something which actually
achieves something for the expense.

-- James :) Collins - Head Office * +61-7-3823-5150 *
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