[LINK] internet chapter of secret ACTA draft leaked

Anthony Hornby anthony.w.hornby at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 10:46:13 AEDT 2010

Hi James,
How about making all the details of your proposal public on your
website http://www.australianprotectednetwork.com.au/ .
Currently there is just an empty shell (all I could find quickly anyway).

If all these changes such as ACTA, Mandatory Filtering, APN are all
supposed to benefit "us" (the public) - how about letting "us" openly
debate the various merits. All the cloak and dagger does little to
make me feel these moves are actually being done for "us" rather than
to "us".

To me, what has been said up to this point sounds like pollie speak
and doesn't provide me with a clear idea of what:
1. The problem is it is actually supposed to solve & who benefits and why
2. Why it is the best solution out of the various alternatives.
3. What the various trade-offs are that we will be making and why they
are worth it.
4. How it will actually work (technical not sales speak required here)
& how feasible is it (what are the major technical / social/ policy
issues and how will they be worked around).
5. How success or failure will be measured and if it fails what
happens (will it be scrapped).
6. Who pays and how much (adding in the usual scale factor for
anything of this size - so pick a generous multiple of the estimated
cost to get the real cost).
7. Who controls it and how transparent are its operations.

I also found your short bio interesting http://jamesc.au.wmit.net/. Do
you have a vested interest in promoting the APN?
Apologies if this is common knowledge / declared elsewhere - I haven't
heard of it until this thread :-)

Thanks for the info up to this point - wasn't aware of this proposal previously.

Regards Anthony

On 24 February 2010 22:53, James Collins <nospam at ggcs.net.au> wrote:
>> Subject: Re: [LINK] internet chapter of secret ACTA draft leaked
>> This was all about ACTA?  Why don't we wait until we've signed up, if
>> we get signed up, if anyone signs up.
> Well originally, that's what I was talking about in the first message :) The
> copyright issue is a hairy one, but the barrister I spoke to thought the APN
> model would placate them, and make them not want to put any "legislation"
> into effect, since it effectively gave them a voluntary model with which to
> work.
>> In the meantime we have spam, ID theft, armies of trojan botnets, ie
>> real problems.
> Extremely true. Or. We could just block a 1000 URLs. The choice is ours. If
> we want to present a viable alternative that is, something which actually
> achieves something for the expense.
> -- James :) Collins - Head Office * +61-7-3823-5150 *
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