[LINK] Web filtering opponents boosted by Clinton

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Sun Jan 24 09:31:08 AEDT 2010


> The Federal Government's proposed internet filtering regime appears  
> to be on a collision course with the US, judging by a speech given  
> by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


> While, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran were mentioned by Clinton, the  
> talk was seen as being largely directed at China, especially  
> following threats by US search engine Google to pull out of the  
> country in relation to recent hacking concerns.
> But taken literally, the speech, which said censorship should not be  
> accepted, and governments shouldn't prevent internet users from  
> connecting to certain websites by means of filtering, puts the US in  
> contrast to Australia.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
M: +61 404072753
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