[LINK] Overseas Ecommerce Expansion Due to the ALP's Internet censorship regime

Tom Koltai tomk at unwired.com.au
Fri Jul 9 12:04:24 AEST 2010

> -----Original Message-----
> From: linda rouse [mailto:linda at databasics.com.au] 
> Sent: Friday, 9 July 2010 9:42 AM
> To: Tom Koltai
> Cc: link at mailman.anu.edu.au
> Subject: Re: [LINK] Overseas Ecommerce Expansion Due to the 
> ALP's Internet censorship regime
> On 8/07/10 5:32 PM, Tom Koltai wrote:
> >
> <snip>
> >
> > Contrary to the beliefs of the gleeful feminine population of 
> > Australia that now believe they have an erstwhile role 
> model to look 
> > up to,  all they have is the pre-election Rudd-san, fall on sword 
> > please, so we can win the next election... Julia-San If you step 
> > forward we will get 90% of the Australian female vote which 
> will carry 
> > us across the line.
> >
> > An excellent tactic by the labour party, but not really 
> cricket. But 
> > then most women don't watch cricket, so the emoters will win the 
> > election.
> Thanks a lot Tom. Your post is meant to be addressed to the 
> men on this 
> list?
> Dont wish to start a flame war but a little thought and not so much 
> sexism will get you a lot further.
> regards
> Linda

Actually Linda, in context, my comments are not sexist. They were mainly
merely factual.
Women are more likely to vote "for" the sisterhood than men. As the
feminine population percentage of Australia 
is higher than the male population, Tony Abbott might as well not get
out of bed on election day.

That not-withstanding, I will grant you, that the comment about cricket
may have been slightly un-PC, there are no doubt an equal number of men
that don't watch women's netball.  The cricket homily was an attempt by
me to be witty, I apologise if it offended; that was not my intent.

Almost everything politicians do these days appears to be focused on a
single outcome; Re-election.
The main point was, Kevin's "running mate" was chosen for a reason. To
get votes. Whether it is politically correct to point out the fact that
colour, race, sex and creed are all important political considerations
is another matter. Mea Culpa.

Ms. Gillard is undoubtedly a brilliant person in her own right and will
undoubtedly perform well as Prime Minister.
I even suggested that there was an economic benefit to having a female
Prime Minister which is an extremely sexist comment, nevertheless, a

As an interesting observation, I note that none of the readers appeared
to object to that comment. 

Several countries have thrived under strong female leadership [NZ/UK].
No doubt Australia will as well.
Women, who mostly don't like cricket, have the ability to parallel
multi-task in a fashion that is beyond the capability of the male
population. The also "emote" and "share" [network] a lot more with each
other than do the boys.

These are all accepted "facts". 
The sisterhood will win partly because of the sisterhood; mostly without
thought, on automatic at the polling booth. 

The "buying" meme is the same as colour of packaging at the supermarket.
Which one is the prettiest? Tony or Julia ?
Tony is cute, but Julia is one of us... 

That said, I am reminded of the baby-kissing analogy. "We should vote
for him, he cares about kids - he kissed that baby on the forehead..."

I am hopeful that once Ms. Gillard receives the mandate for a further
term for labor, that as our Prime Minister, she will reconsider the
unworkable Filter legislation and listen to the people.

Which of course, may well be her intent.

If I was in her shoes, I would coast to the other side of the election
and then announce my cabinet changes. I wonder who the first scalp shall

I would be willing to bet a dollar that it might be anyone that won the
prestigious Darwin award.  

So now the waiting begins. Is Ms. Gillard an iron maiden or merely an
apparatchik figure head. 

Tom (not a misogynist) Koltai


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