[LINK] The Australian/news.com.au crashes my browser
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Thu Dec 1 09:06:19 AEDT 2011
For me it only happens on FF 8.0.1 with security extensions on, like addblock plus, noscript, ghostery, requestpolicy, firebug and with referral turned off.
I might have to experiment to find what's causing it but since I rarely read Murdoch (even more rarely at the moment) I'm not sure I care enough.
On 2011/Nov/30, at 11:19 PM, Ash Nallawalla wrote:
> No issues here on Win 7 / FF 8.0.1 or Win XP / FF 7.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kim Holburn
>> Since they put the paywall up, going to a news.com.au site crashes
> firefox. It
>> just goes into some kind of massive loop and I have to kill it. It's
> annoying
>> because mostly I click on a link not realising it's a murdoch website and
> then I
>> have to kill firefox.
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