December 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Dec 1 09:01:25 AEDT 2011
Ending: Sat Dec 31 10:49:43 AEDT 2011
Messages: 266
Karl Auer
- [LINK] "Julian Assanges safety"
Karl Auer
- [LINK] Congratulations to Dr. Rajendra Kumbhar Sir
- [LINK] Fwd: MR 130 Australians hunger for choice in communications
Antony Barry
- [LINK] Fwd: MR134/2011: Australians embrace mobile applications [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Antony Barry
- [LINK] AUUG Publications and the Web
Antony Barry
- [LINK] I Know What You Downloaded on BitTorrent
Paul Bolger
- [LINK] Sound drivers (Was Carrier IQ)
Peter Bowditch
- [LINK] Australian Disaster Information Smart Phone App
Peter Bowditch
- [LINK] Telstra scam notice
Peter Bowditch
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
Peter Bowditch
- [LINK] Content and competition in a changing media world
David Boxall
- [LINK] Conroy dismisses NBN anti-competitive report
David Boxall
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second opinion
David Boxall
- [LINK] Faceless net giants writing own rule books
David Boxall
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second opinion
David Boxall
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second
David Boxall
- [LINK] Google Wallet, Hate and Gloating in Forbes
David Boxall
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second
David Boxall
- [LINK] TLD and 2LD Web-Servers
Paul Brooks
- [LINK] Esther Dyson on TLD Proliferation
Darrell Burkey
- [LINK] Esther Dyson on TLD Proliferation
Darrell Burkey
- [LINK] So this is Christmas and Imagine all those
Darrell Burkey
- [LINK] Esther Dyson on TLD Proliferation
Darrell Burkey
- [LINK] Fwd: Re: Esther Dyson on TLD Proliferation
Darrell Burkey
- [LINK] big pong email system breached
Noel Butler
- [LINK] big pong email system breached
Noel Butler
- [LINK] Stupid Phone [was] Dumb phone
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Dumb phone
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Australia, industrialists warn, has caught a bout of "Dutch Disease"
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] FYI: Internal server error at
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] P2P banking? Ditch the bank – borrow from the crowd
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Finally, Nested GoSubs DO have a use... (err ;P)
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Google Wallet, Hate and Gloating in Forbes
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Google Wallet, Hate and Gloating in Forbes
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Google Wallet, Hate and Gloating in Forbes
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Google Wallet, Hate and Gloating in Forbes
Fernando Cassia
- [LINK] Dumb phone
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] TLD and 2LD Web-Servers
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] FYI: Internal server error at
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] big pong email system breached
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] Telstra scam notice
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] Telstra scam notice
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] Telstra scam notice
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] P2P banking? Ditch the bank – borrow from the crowd
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] Google Wallet, Hate and Gloating in Forbes
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] Google Wallet, Hate and Gloating in Forbes
Richard Chirgwin
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Steven Clark
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
Steven Clark
- [LINK] TLD and 2LD Web-Servers
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] WikiLeaks: The Spy Files
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] Apologies re: WikiLeaks: The Spy Files
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] SMH: 'Software revelation fuels privacy fear'
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] TLD and 2LD Web-Servers
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] TLD and 2LD Web-Servers
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] (Real) Robot Warfare
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] TLD and 2LD Web-Servers
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] iinet Case
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] RFI: A Reader of Cyrillic Languages?
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] RFI: A Reader of Cyrillic Languages?
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] It must be Friday already, or at least Christmas
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] Esther Dyson on TLD Proliferation
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] RFI: Google News Archive Searches
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] EPIC wants help to strengthen Facebk Settlement
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] Smart Phones the Primary Platform
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] AUUG Publications and the Web
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second opinion
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second
Roger Clarke
- [LINK] Online tools for crime prevention? Proposed e-conference
Steven Clift
- [LINK] Latest SPAM/SCAM - "Telstra" Service Cancellation Notice.
Marghanita da Cruz
- [LINK] Latest SPAM/SCAM - "Telstra" Service Cancellation Notice.
Marghanita da Cruz
- [LINK] So this is Christmas and Imagine all those people.....Re: Australia, Second Class Citizens, according to EMI
Marghanita da Cruz
- [LINK] Convergence Review Interim Report
Marghanita da Cruz
- [LINK] Whitehouse seeking input to Best Practices and Metrics for Public Participation
Marghanita da Cruz
- [LINK] Steve Jobs statue unveiled in Budapest
Marghanita da Cruz
- [LINK] OT: US Debt
Andy Farkas
- [LINK] Esther Dyson on TLD Proliferation
David Goldstein
- [LINK] Esther Dyson on TLD Proliferation
David Goldstein
- [LINK] Esther Dyson on TLD Proliferation
David Goldstein
- [LINK] Murdoch hacking scandal just gets worse.
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] The Australian/ crashes my browser
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] My Blackberry Is Not Working!
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] PATRIOT Act Gives Foreigners Good Reason to Avoid US Clouds
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] paypal alternatives
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] Conroy dismisses NBN anti-competitive report
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] FBI: Carrier IQ files used for "law enforcement purposes"
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] P2P banking? Ditch the bank – borrow from the crowd
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] P2P banking? Ditch the bank – borrow from the crowd
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] Australia, Second Class Citizens, according to EMI
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] I Know What You Downloaded on BitTorrent
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] So this is Christmas and Imagine all those people.....Re: Australia, Second Class Citizens, according to EMI
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] So this is Christmas and Imagine all thosepeople.....Re: Australia, Second Class Citizens, according to EMI
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] Nollywood (was Re: So this is Christmas and Imagine ....)
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] Novell v Microsoft - deadlocked jury
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] iiNet buy Node
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] UK publicly funded research free to read
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] A Story About Christmas or The new Spreading Meme, "The Apparent Lack of Christmas".
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] Open data: Nestoria moves from Google Maps to Openstreetmaps
Kim Holburn
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Anthony Hornby
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Anthony Hornby
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Scott Howard
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Scott Howard
- [LINK] Telstra scam notice
Scott Howard
- [LINK] Australia, Second Class Citizens, according to EMI
Scott Howard
- [LINK] Australia, Second Class Citizens, according to EMI
Scott Howard
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
Scott Howard
- [LINK] Kafka at the National Archives
Ross Kelso
- [LINK] Dumb phone
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] PATRIOT Act Gives Foreigners Good Reason to Avoid US Clouds
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] TLD and 2LD Web-Servers
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] Good reason to worry about our democracy
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] TLD and 2LD Web-Servers
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] New Method of foiling those Pesky Reporter Types with their FOI requests.
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] FYI: Internal server error at
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] Conroy dismisses NBN anti-competitive report
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] 'State of the Art'
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] Australia, Second Class Citizens, according to EMI
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] Australia, Second Class Citizens, according to EMI
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] So this is Christmas and Imagine all those people.....Re: Australia, Second Class Citizens, according to EMI
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] So this is Christmas and Imagine all thosepeople.....Re: Australia, Second Class Citizens, according to EMI
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] Nollywood (was Re: So this is Christmas and Imagine ....)
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] NBN - Fibre vs Wireless (Packets versus CPU) - Weekend Magazine.
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] Finally, Nested GoSubs DO have a use... (err ;P)
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] URL Link for GoSub Quote
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] Fwd: SOPA Act (Anti-Piracy) Sponsors Received 4X As Much Money From Hollywood v. Silicon Valley
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second opinion
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] OT: US Debt
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] New free MIT learning platform 'with a virtual community oflearners worldwide'
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] Digital rights DIY
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] Digital rights DIY
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] TK On Topic For once... Was UK publicly funded research free to read
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] A Story About Christmas or The new Spreading Meme, "The Apparent Lack of Christmas".
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] Chinese swiped Googles Sourcecode - Was - A story about Christmas
Tom Koltai
- [LINK] iiNet buy Node
Carl Makin
- [LINK] TLD and 2LD Web-Servers
Chris Maltby
- [LINK] Drupal Downunder in Melbourne 13-15 Jan 2012
Avi Miller
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
Ash Nallawalla
- [LINK] iiNet buy Node
Ash Nallawalla
- [LINK] Facebook demise???
Ash Nallawalla
- [LINK] Good reason to worry about our democracy
Frank O'Connor
- [LINK] (Real) Robot Warfare
Frank O'Connor
- [LINK] Richard re corporate security
Frank O'Connor
- [LINK] Australian Disaster Information Smart Phone App
Frank O'Connor
- [LINK] Telstra scam notice
Frank O'Connor
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second
Frank O'Connor
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second
Frank O'Connor
- [LINK] Dumb phone
Darren Pauli
- [LINK] Latest SPAM/SCAM - "Telstra" Service Cancellation Notice.
Darren Pauli
- [LINK] Dumb phone
Fred Pilcher
- [LINK] Christmas wishes
Fred Pilcher
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second
Bernard Robertson-Dunn
- [LINK] Fwd: SOPA Act (Anti-Piracy) Sponsors Received 4X As Much Money From Hollywood v. Silicon Valley
Nick Ross
- [LINK] Online news - actual documents
Alex (Maxious) Sadleir
- [LINK] Facebook demise???
Craig Sanders
- [LINK] Telstra scam notice
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Ivan Trundle
- [LINK] Light instead of wireless, Li-Fi
Ivan Trundle
- [LINK] Christmas wishes
Ivan Trundle
- [LINK] iiNet buy Node
Ivan Trundle
- [LINK] Murdoch hacking scandal just gets worse.
Glen Turner
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Webb, KerryA
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Rick Welykochy
- [LINK] Dumb phone
Rick Welykochy
- [LINK] Stupid Phone [was] Dumb phone
Rick Welykochy
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Rick Welykochy
- [LINK] RFI: A Reader of Cyrillic Languages?
Rick Welykochy
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second
Rick Welykochy
- [LINK] Good reason to worry about our democracy
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] NBN wholesale pricing set for 5 years: $24/mo.
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Latest SPAM/SCAM - "Telstra" Service Cancellation Notice.
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] I Know What You Downloaded on BitTorrent
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Piracy of a different sort
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Esther Dyson on TLD Proliferation
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Esther Dyson on TLD Proliferation
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Online news - actual documents
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Novell v Microsoft - deadlocked jury
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second opinion
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Google Wallet, Hate and Gloating in Forbes
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Google Wallet, Hate and Gloating in Forbes
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Digital rights DIY
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] iiNet buy Node
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] History of email - 40 yrs of @
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] iiNet buy Node
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Living Books about Life
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Facebook demise???
Jan Whitaker
- [LINK] Internode to be taken over by iiNet
Robin Whittle
- [LINK] P2P banking? Ditch the bank – borrow from the crowd
Stephen Wilson
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second opinion
Stephen Wilson
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second
Stephen Wilson
- [LINK] Facebook demise???
Stephen Wilson
- [LINK] Facebook demise???
Stephen Wilson
- [LINK] Dumb phone
Tom Worthington
- [LINK] Looking for meaning on-line at ADCS 2011
Tom Worthington
- [LINK] Australian Disaster Information Smart Phone App
Tom Worthington
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
Tom Worthington
- [LINK] Convergence Review Interim Report
Tom Worthington
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
Tom Worthington
- [LINK] New free MIT learning platform 'with a virtual community of learners worldwide'
Tom Worthington
- [LINK] Draft Energy White Paper
Tom Worthington
- [LINK] UK publicly funded research free to read
Tom Worthington
- [LINK] New free MIT learning platform 'with a virtual community of learners worldwide'
Tom Worthington
- [LINK] TLD and 2LD Web-Servers
Danny Yee
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
Danny Yee
- [LINK] TLD and 2LD Web-Servers
Danny Yee
- [LINK] (Real) Robot Warfare
jim birch
- [LINK] Conroy dismisses NBN anti-competitive report
jim birch
- [LINK] P2P banking? Ditch the bank – borrow from the crowd
jim birch
- [LINK] Google Wallet, Hate and Gloating in Forbes
jim birch
- [LINK] Steve Jobs statue unveiled in Budapest
jim birch
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
andrew clarke
- [LINK] Carrier IQ
kim holburn
- [LINK] Google Wallet, Hate and Gloating in Forbes
kim holburn
- [LINK] WikiLeaks: The Spy Files
stephen at
- [LINK] Good reason to worry about our democracy
stephen at
- [LINK] Online Learning, Personalized
stephen at
- [LINK] Review of the Rollout of the NBN. Second Report
stephen at
- [LINK] Predicting the Future
stephen at
- [LINK] Ten billion, and ten cents for ten days
stephen at
- [LINK] Updated NBN SSU
stephen at
- [LINK] The Australia Network
stephen at
- [LINK] Richard re corporate security
stephen at
- [LINK] 'State of the Art'
stephen at
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
stephen at
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
stephen at
- [LINK] So this is Christmas and Imagine all those
stephen at
- [LINK] The Convergence Review Interim Report
stephen at
- [LINK] Facebook downgrades privacy settings
stephen at
- [LINK] o/t "every known particle has an undetected partner"?
stephen at
- [LINK] Light instead of wireless, Li-Fi
stephen at
- [LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second
stephen at
- [LINK] Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society (IBES)
stephen at
- [LINK] Draft Energy White Paper
stephen at
- [LINK] New free MIT learning platform 'with a virtual community of learners worldwide'
stephen at
- [LINK] New free MIT learning platform 'with a virtual community oflearners worldwide'
stephen at
- [LINK] Digital rights DIY
stephen at
- [LINK] Most comms are an open-book
stephen at
- [LINK] New free MIT learning platform 'with a virtual community of learners worldwide'
stephen at
- [LINK] India: "National Knowledge Network"
stephen at
- [LINK] UK publicly funded research free to read
stephen at
- [LINK] UK publicly funded research free to read
stephen at
- [LINK] Christmas wishes
stephen at
- [LINK] IBM's annual predictions
stephen at
- [LINK] "Julian Assanges safety"
stephen at
- [LINK] Dumb phone
Michael Skeggs mike at
- [LINK] TLD and 2LD Web-Servers
- [LINK] iiNet buy Node
- [LINK] US Blacklist Internet bill
linda rouse
- [LINK] RFC: The Web in Oz, 1992-94
linda rouse
Last message date:
Sat Dec 31 10:49:43 AEDT 2011
Archived on: Thu Dec 16 12:58:09 AEDT 2021
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).