[LINK] AUUG Publications and the Web
Roger Clarke
Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au
Fri Dec 16 11:04:38 AEDT 2011
Thanks to Frank Crawford and Phil McCrae, I've now been able to
locate and visually scan the relevant AUUG Conf Procs.
I intend inserting a para. along the following lines:
The abruptness with which the Web shot to prominence is exemplified
by the treatment of the topic in the Australian Unix Users Group
(AUUG) Newsletters and Conferences. At the September 1995 event run
by this large and very active community, 31 of the 78 papers were
specifically on the Web, and Robert Cailliau was a keynote speaker.
Yet the September 1992 and 1993 events did not include a single paper
on the Web, or hypertext, or even gopher. The earliest entry in the
AUUG Newsletter appears to be Sanders (1993). The next mention is
two paras. in a review of Internet services, on p.65 of the AUUG
Conference in September 1994 (Cave 1994).
Sanders T. (1993) 'Internet Hypertext is Here' Dec 1993, AUUG
Newsletter 14, 6 (Dec 1993) 95-96, republished from USENIX ;login:
18, 5 (Dec 1993), in
Cave C. (1994) 'The Joys, Savings & Benefits of an Internet
Connection' Proc. Conf. AUUG, September 1994, pp. 61-70, in
Aside: Am I the only one who's concerned about the threat that
Google Books represents? The company's performed a *great* service
by scanning and OCR'ing many volumes - and that needs to be paid for.
But the company appears to have laid a foundations for a monopoly,
such that they can control and exploit the texts - it appears to
avoid standards, use a proprietary tool, and preclude both search and
copying of the text.
Proc Conf AUUG'92 (Sep 1992)
Visual scan identified no mention of the Web (nor of hypertext or gopher)
Proc Conf AUUG'93 (Sep 1993)
Visual scan identified no mention of the Web (nor of hypertext or gopher)
Proc Conf AUUG'94 (Sep 1994)
Visual scan identified no mention of the Web (nor of hypertext or gopher)
Proc Conf AUUG'95 (Sep 1995)
31 of the 78 papers were specifically re the Web, and Robert Cailliau
was a keynote.
Roger Clarke http://www.rogerclarke.com/
Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd 78 Sidaway St, Chapman ACT 2611 AUSTRALIA
Tel: +61 2 6288 1472, and 6288 6916
mailto:Roger.Clarke at xamax.com.au http://www.xamax.com.au/
Visiting Professor in the Cyberspace Law & Policy Centre Uni of NSW
Visiting Professor in Computer Science Australian National University
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