[LINK] Electronic medical records: why we should seek a second

David Boxall david.boxall at hunterlink.net.au
Wed Dec 21 11:13:08 AEDT 2011

On 21/12/2011 10:07 AM, Jan Whitaker wrote:
> At 08:47 PM 20/12/2011, Frank O'Connor wrote:
>> Nah ... Far better to keep raising objections, stop the show and
>> stave off the day when eHealth becomes a reality .. whilst
>> continuing to feed insatiably at the public trough.
> ... It's a monster of poor
> project management, poor governance, poor risk analysis and
> mitigation, poor consultation, and horrible design. Gee, you might
> say, tell us what you really think!
> ...
The proposal is no doubt deeply flawed. In my view, what we have at 
present is fatally flawed. In too many cases, literally fatal, though is 
could be argued that fatality is the least of our problems.

We're faced with a choice between evils. It's my view that doing nothing 
is the greater evil.

I hope your efforts will lead us to end up with the least possible evil. 
Given the forces ranged against you, hope is all we have.

David Boxall                    |  All that is required
                                |  for evil to prevail is
http://david.boxall.id.au       |  for good men to do nothing.
                                |     -- Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

PS. My apologies for the sexism of the sig. I'm not into historical 

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