[LINK] UK publicly funded research free to read

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sat Dec 24 01:27:28 AEDT 2011

UK to make publicly funded research free to read 

09 December 2011 by Andrew Purcell 

All scientific research funded by British taxpayers will be made 
available online free of charge, according to a government report 
published earlier this week. 

And it doesn't stop there – the government intends the website, to be 
named Gateway to Research, to eventually incorporate research funded by 
other bodies.


Much of the high-energy physics research community currently uses a 
system of open-access online publishing, and Janet Finch, former vice-
chair of Keele University, UK, has been charged with investigating how 
the UK might set up something similar for all its taxpayer-funded 

The arxiv.org website, an online repository set up in 1991, offers almost 
all high-energy physics research for free. Despite this, established 
physics journals have reported no decrease in subscriptions.

The announcement is part of a growing trend towards open access, 
following the success of the free journals PLoS One and, more recently, 
Nature Scientific Reports.



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