[LINK] iiNet buy Node

Carl Makin carl at stagecraft.cx
Sat Dec 24 09:23:24 AEDT 2011

Hi Kim,

On 23/12/2011, at 10:17 PM, Kim Holburn wrote:

> I hate it when my ISP gets taken over.  Actually I think iinet took over spirit around 2001.  What a hassle for the customer that was.

If that was Spirit Networks, the Canberra ISP, then it was actually taken over by Ozemail.  I was with them when that happened, then moved to Bigpond as they were the only ISP with ADSL in my exchange at the time. 

I only recently jumped from Netspace to Internode as they were swallowed by iiNet and all the suitable plans vanished.


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