[LINK] A Story About Christmas or The new Spreading Meme, "The Apparent Lack of Christmas".

Tom Koltai tomk at unwired.com.au
Tue Dec 27 14:28:10 AEDT 2011

Dear Linkers, 
Unfortunately for you all, I had some time on my hands this year... So
decided to enter into the public domain my 
observations and deductions regarding this years' and regrettably future
years retail sales figures. 


The Year That Christmas Died
Last year, my partner purchased a new tree. It was one of those fibre
optic light changing plastic monstrosities. It took a minute to put up
and thirty seconds to plug in. It came with  a number of decorations
"built in" - in other words, pre-trimmed.

No more untangling strings of Christmas tree lights. YaY!!!

Last night (Christmas Eve I asked her (my partner) where we had put the
tree. It used to be in the garden shed, but I knew that she had put it
carefully somewhere in her office. Her response came as a surprise, "Why
bother? It doesn't really feel like Christmas. and I'm not sure where I
put the tree. I think it's behind some boxes and I couldn't be bothered
digging it out."

There was a part of her comment that struck a logical chord within my
childlike "Oi where's the chrissie tree" contemplative navel gazing

She was being logical, after all, older generations without screaming
bundles of joy don't really need Christmas trees.
Australia has now entered the baby-boomer retirement phase.

As a country, our principle bandaid solution is the increase of
migration from overseas.

The following suggests a possible barrier to long term financial
recovery, not understood  by the average person aghast at this countries
apparent cavalier attitude to illegal migrants.

Continues... http://kovtr.com/wordpress/?p=1071

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