[LINK] NextG Wireless Stays Up As NBN Fibre Broadband Crashes
Jan Whitaker
jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Fri Feb 4 12:07:13 AEDT 2011
At 10:57 AM 4/02/2011, Richard Chirgwin wrote:
>The Smarthouse story, in my view, conflates TV broadcasting and NextG. I
>would imagine that the TV broadcasters were using the satellite dishes
>that you'll see on any and every outside broadcast van - not NextG.
Some were using NextG for remote broadcast for Skype on an iPhone. It
was CRAP! They oo-ed and ah-ed a lot, but then were only up for a
couple minutes at a time. That was on ch7. I wondered why they didn't
have a commercial QoS service if they were going to rely on Skype,
which they do have. This was amateur hour stuff.
The main tv broadcasts were from satellite vans or at least mobile
sat dishes, otherwise the quality wouldn't have been as high as it
was for the regular programs. They were at their studios, e.g. in
Townsville. It was only the guys like Grant Denyer who were driving
down to the worst hit areas like Tully who were on the iphones.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
blog: http://janwhitaker.com/jansblog/
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