[LINK] Cyberwarfare
stephen at melbpc.org.au
stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sat Feb 5 14:45:36 AEDT 2011
Israeli official sees cyber-alternative to "ugly" war
JERUSALEM | Thu Feb 3, 2011 1:40pm EST
idUSTRE71259U20110203 (snip)
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Cyberwarfare, of the kind waged against Iran last
year, offers advanced nations an alternative to "ugly" military force
with its moral costs, a senior Israeli official said on Thursday.
"War is ugly, awfully ugly," Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor told
diplomats and journalists at a think tank called the Jerusalem Center for
Public Affairs.
"In modern times, because war is all the time on television ... people
see this and can't take it. There are limits. There is a (political)
price you pay."
He added: "Because it is difficult, one looks for other ways."
"One of those other ways is the intelligence community of all the world
trying to do things that don't look that ugly, don't kill people."
"And all the world that is not on the screen, the cyber world ... becomes
more important in the conflict between nations."
"It is a new battleground, if you like, not with guns but with something
else," he said.
He declined to discuss the mysterious Stuxnet worm found in Iranian
networks last year, but his remarks underscored Israelis' doubts about
delivering on veiled threats to use open force against their arch-foe's
nuclear program.
Meridor, who oversees Israel's spy services and nuclear affairs, said
Israel had learned from news coverage and the ensuing public censure of
its conflicts with often outgunned enemies.
Over the past two years Israeli officials have quietly unveiled cyber war
capabilities that they say are a core pillar of defense strategy.
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